We are delighted to display a list of our current school workshops and outreach opportunities. We also offer loan boxes for schools to rent. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact our Education Officer here. This list of courses is not exclusive and we are happy to consider any requests.
Victoria’s Empire

This new workshop introduces children to contemporary issues. The expansion of the British Empire in the 19th century is seen through the life of a local soldier, Robert Jones VC. Children are ‘transported’ from young Robert’s Victorian home to South Africa, where he encounters the great Zulu nation.
Children learn through role play, dressing-up, artefact handling, film and our unique and renowned museum collection. Victorian home life and the work of the common soldier in certain territories of the British Empire (South Africa, Australia, North America) are studied in depth.
- Relevant to the new National Curriculum
- Opportunities provided for students’ individual research
- Loan Box available (£30)
Blighty in the Blitz

Our new workshop covers topics of evacuation, rationing and food in WW2, women at war (including the work of the SOE secret agents and the code breakers of Bletchley Park) and the Blitz.
The Blitz experience in our replica Anderson Shelter is an exciting end to a day in which children are transported back to a world of hardship, danger, espionage, code-breaking and secrecy. Through role play, artefact handling and an interactive computer programme the children are immersed in ‘living history’.
- It is recommend this workshop is more suited to Years 5, 6 and above
- Relevant to the new National Curriculum
- Opportunities provided for students’ individual research
- Loan box available (£30)
Terrible Trenches

Students discover what life was like for the Welsh soldier in the trenches during WW1, with particular reference to the Battle of Mametz Wood, the Somme, 1916. This is a hands-on experience, based around our wonderful artefact collection. Through role play, students ‘enlist’, are ‘kitted out’ in genuine uniforms and are then marched off to the trenches. (A mock trench is constructed in the studio, equipped with artefacts.)
The workshop includes: an interactive computer programme, access to genuine letters, diaries, archive film and museum trail. The role of women in the war is covered and students are given the opportunity to dress in replica nurses’ uniforms.
- Relevant to the new National Curriculum.
- Opportunities provided for students’ individual research.
A Child’s War

Through role play and artefact handling, children discover what life would have been like for them during WW2. To enrich the experience, we encourage our young visitors to arrive dressed as evacuees for a fun-packed day, ending with the Blitz Experience in our replica, outdoor Anderson Shelter.
The workshop covers: Evacuation; a child’s life in the wartime home; Rationing and the wartime shop; the Blitz. The visit also includes: an interactive computer programme, archive film and museum trail.
- Relevant to the new National Curriculum
- Opportunities provided for individual research
- Loan Box available (£30)
Please complete the form below with your details and our Education Officer will get in touch with you directly.
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