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Private John Dudley
Collection Description

Private John Dudley’s General Service Medal 1793-1814  with Talavara clasp.

Collection Detail

Private John Dudley was born c1796 in Coventry, Warwick. He enlisted into the 2nd Battalion 24th Regiment on May 24, 1806 at just 14 years old. During his military career he served Captain Tudor’s Company.

Dudley was discharged November 5, 1810 after 4 years and 166 days.This was due to “a diseased spine in consequence of service in Spain.” He was placed on pension December 5, 1810.

Physical Description: 5’0” with brown hair, grey eyes and a fresh complexion.

Trade: Labourer

Accession Number

BRCRM 1990.250.i

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