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What We Offer

We provide a selection of workshops in line with the current National Curriculum. Our Education Officer, a qualified teacher, will adapt these to suit the requirements of each individual school.

Life Long Learning:

Visits and enquiries from groups and individuals are welcome; advance booking is essential for groups and advisable for individuals with specific needs. Guided tours can be provided to meet your requirements. Depending on your areas of interest, it may be possible to arrange other activities too. Additionally, groups (other than mainstream school groups) visiting recently have included special needs units, Brownies, GNVQ students, undergraduates, mature students, PGCE students, foreign exchange students, Family History Societies, Lions and Rotary Clubs, Women’s Institutes and Cadet Forces.

This is what some of our teachers and pupils have said about our education workshops.

A truly remarkable school trip!

It was fantastic that I could step into the world of World War 2. I felt like a real evacuee

All three of our classes thoroughly enjoyed the WW1 workshop. The interactive board was an excellent way to engage the pupils, the artefacts and role-play gave the pupils an opportunity to immerse themselves in our new topic

The children enjoyed every minute of their visit and got so much out of it.

The Museum is a fantastic resource which really brings home the reality of life during World War 2

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